A photo of a sticker on a window. The sticker is blue and features the RBC logo with the lion holding a burning globe as well as the RBC on campus logo with the on crossed out in red and the word "off" above it.

Call on your school to kick banks off campus

Students across so-called Canada are calling for our student unions and universities to end their partnerships with the Big 5. Until banks divest from fossil fuels and respect Indigenous sovereignty, they have no place on our campuses.

Sign now!
A photo of six York students standing in front of the RBC OnCampus at York University. They hold signs that read "RBC funds the climate crisis," "33 million displaced in Pakistan floods stop funding climate chaos," "Real Big Colonizer," "The climate crisis costs lives," "RBC defund Coastal Gaslink" and "Pipeline man camps = Missing and murdered Indigenous women, defund CGL!"

Start a campus group

We're building a mass movement of students confronting fossil fuel financing on our campuses. Click here to get involved with your campus group or start your own.

Get involved!
A photo of three young people holding signs along the side of the road. They are smiling and cheering. The signs read "Honk 4 climate action," "Divest now" and "climate leaders don't fund fossil fuels."

Move your money out of fossil fuel funding banks

Young people are a key client base for Canada’s Big 5 Banks. Banks know that the decisions we make about where to bank as young people can last a lifetime. We're moving our money out of dirty banks until they divest and respect Indigenous rights.

Sign the pledge!

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